Saturday, September 23, 2006



Post a comment and let me know you were here and I will select one lucky winner to receive some personalized Halloween happies in the mail!
I will draw the name Wednesday night
(September 27th!)


Bridget said...

So cute! Can't wait to see the things I ordered. :)

jenny said...

Kacey too cute! I am currently looking on the web to see what I can order :)

Anonymous said...

Girl, you KNOW I am all over this contest....LOL! :)


Anonymous said...

i was here!

everything pink! said...

ok, i am in love with that witch!! darling

Elizabeth said...

I am here. Love looking at your things for fall. The one thing I miss about the mainland. We don't get much fall weather or festivity here in Hawaii. Love your designs!

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your site. Very cute stuff!!!
Love it!!

Anonymous said...

cute halloween blog! I think your stuff is amazing---I must go shopping soon!

Jordan said...

Just got a comment from you! thought i'd return the favor and try for some happies. Cute!

Serendipity said...

Very cute witch...everything is so cute...and you are in Mississippi! Perfect!