Saturday, June 30, 2007

Do you have a blog?

Do you have a blog? If so, this contest is for you!!
You can announce this on your blog with a link back here or feel free to snag the picture above to post on your blog.
Refer your friends to my blog and have them leave a comment on this post with their name and your name and you both get a chance to win a $20.00 gift certificate.
Whoever is the lucky winner will earn a $20.00 gift certificate to use on the website and the person who referred the winner will also win a $20.00 gift certificate.
If you have more than one friend with the contest announced.. you can enter as many times as you want as long as your referral "friend" is someone different. You have to have a referral blog to enter this contest :o)
Contest winner will be drawn Saturday, July 7th!


Liz Snowden said...

I am in, Kacey! Cool contest!

everything pink! said...

of course I am in!!
i am now turning my megaphone on!!!

Kristine said...

I'm here because I love cards...and yours are particularly cute!!
I'll be referring others here!

Kristine said...

Oops...I found you through Kristi's blog...Everything Pink!

JnR said...

Love your stationary and my referral is Kristi-Everything Pink!

Anonymous said...

Yay you! I love contests! You are on my blog!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I am in. I am about to write a post on my blog. THis is cool!!

j said...

i'm in- i found you on Kristi's blog, too- everything pink!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I have your contest posted on my blog now but I also saw it on Kristi's blog too. So sign me up.

Stitchinwitch said...

I'm just popping the link on my blog now and I saw it on jenmomof4 blog

Rachel said...

WHat great stuff! Love it!
Oh, and Kristi sent me!!!!!

My Charmed Life said...

I'm in!! You always have the coolest contests!!

Holly said...

I am in and learned about you from Kristi's "Everything Pink" Blog. YEA!! :)

shauna said...

Dittos to many others....Kristi sent me! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I am deffinately in! Kristi sent me from Everything Pink!

Shauna said...

Kristi sent me!!! I will alert my camp! Hope I, I mean we, win!!!!

denise @ little ant design said...

I'm in with Kristi from everything is pink. I'll get a link on my blog as well. Good Luck to everyone.

Becca said...

I saw this on Kristi's blog - Everything is Pink. I'm off to blog about this as well! Thank you!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Kristi sent me along with everyone else! This is so fun!!!!! i'm going to put it on my blog too!

Kari Lynne said...

Well it seems as though Kristi is going to win the $20 more matter what and that's great since she is my sister-in-law. Yep you guessed it...she sent me here too.


Anonymous said...

Kristi sent me of course! Very fun idea!

michelle said...

Of course, Kristi sent me! Great idea for a contest.

Holly said...

Hi there! Who can resist a fun contest? Not me for sure! Kristi at Everything Pink shared your info. Thanks!

lisa h. said...

great! found this on Kristi's blog

lisa h. said...

do you need email? mine is

Jinii said...

I found you through Kristi's blog everything is pink!

Kristy said...

I love all of your stuff that I have ordered. I call my daughter Reilly-bug and she loves her ladybug stickers and bag tag. Thanks!

brooke said...

Cute stuff! I found you through Kristi's blog everything is pink. My email is Thanks!

Natasha said...

Okay, I see that Kristi definitely has the lead here :) but I just posted the contest on my blog as well. Better late than never, right?!

SAPY said...

I'm in too ... I love your site and Liz at snip snap sent me.

Anonymous said...

Kristi sent me- who else right? Great idea for the contest.

onehm said...

I found you through Cara's blog. I am so excited....I'm a newbie to your blog. I'll be posting this on mine for sure.

Shar said...

Count me in. I also saw this on Kristi's blog.

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

I found you through onehm. Awesome contest. Thanks!

Andy said...

County me in!

Kristen said...

Kristi Brooke sent me here, thanks!

Elizabeth said...

I came from Kristi's Everything Pink.

Laurie said...

I'm about to post your contest on my blog. I got your email. Thanks!

Rebecca said...

I, too, came via Kristi--Everything Pink. This contest sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I came here from Mary's Blog - My Two Sons Shine - love your stuff

Mrs. McDaniel said...

I came from Kristi's Everything's Pink blog.

Anonymous said...

Found you from Mique's blog.

Anonymous said...

Came here on my own, through you! Enter me! (I put up a blog post)

blah, blah by lindsey said...

found you through Cara's blog. super cute

Traci said...

I found you through Kirsti's blog!!!! Love your stuff, I have visited a few times before.

I was raised in a barn said...

I am in-Cara sent me

Kristin said...

Your stuff is so great. I found out from Kristi

shauna said...

Oh, I also saw you through Cristin's blog. You are everywhere! :)

Spencer the Bomb Diggity said...

I so need free stuff. Do I scrapbook? of course not , but I'm married so my wife can have it!
Kristi sent me - everythingpink

ZB said...

You are a genious! I found you through onehm (hands down, she's the best person I know)!

Susan said...

I'm in love your stuff! I found you through Cara.

Bond Girl 007 said...

yeah i am in and of course kristi send me.

Webb Family said...

lovin' your cute stuff, i found you from cara's blog!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I found you via...

{The Christian's} said...

I love your blog! I found this announcement through Kristi's blog though....although I am going to create a post on my blog guiding people here! :)

justme said...

Oooh!! I'm in!! I found ya from

Anonymous said...

How cool. I'm in. I was referred by JenMomof4 of Wilson-Six. Thanks!!!


Amy said...

Great idea! I was referred by Karyn ( I hope I win! I love your product.

Amie said...

I was referred by Laurie - mytoesinthesand - thanks

Heather said...

I added it to my blog! You always have the best contests!

Beth said...

i saw you on Karyn's blog!

sockiepuppetsmom said...

I LOVE your stuff:) I found you through Kristi's blog...everythings pink.

mommyoffour said...

I would love to win!! I found you from Crystalyn's blog!

sam & sarah said...

I found you thru Rachella's blog & i now have you listed on MY blog!
How fun!

Amy said...

Love your stuff! Just wanted to say that Mary from mysonsshine sent me:)


Crystalyn said...

hi kacey! great idea...we all of your stuff. i posted your contest on my blog ( :

Bridget said...

Love your stuff! Will be posting this one my blog soon. I found out about the contest through Kristi.

Have a great 4th!

bryn said...

such cute stuff! i am in - i saw this on crystalyn's blog.

Matt said...

I'm one of Kristi's followers, love your website and will definitely mark it!

Unknown said...

Fun! Cara told me about you!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Ashley - I beleive in miracles had you on her blog, sign us up!

Jenn said...

Great contest! I found out about the contest through Liz (snip snap pieces of my life).

jenny said...

I'm in and told my SIL about it as well!!

Anonymous said...

You've got the cutest things! I'm in. I've also posted a link here.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I was referred by The Wilson Six.

Carey said...

Count me in. I was referred by An island Review.

Alisha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jthemilker said...

Pick me... also referred by An Island Review.

Christine said...

I am a total stationary junkie, and I love your stuff...It's so much fun!
I was referred by An Island Review, also. :)
Here's a link to my post
~Christine From Dates to Diapers

Erin said...

Cute stuff! Cara sent me.

CG said...

What a fun contest. Love your blog! Jennifer of Wilson six referred me.

Sean said...

Cute designs.
Referred from Lisahymas.blogspot

from Anna McFadden

Southern jezeBelle said...

such fun! christy of bon bon boutique sent me!

B said...

What fun stuff! Count me in. Referred by Christy at BonBonBoutique.

Anonymous said...

Saw your blog on stitchinwitch's blog. Thanks and you have some wonderful stuff!!

Steph said...

Your stuff is soooo cute! Christy of Bon Bon Boutique sent me.

lace said...

I love your circle stamps. From Dates to Diapers referred me.

Rynell said...

adorable stuff!

I'm here from Crystalyn's blog.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Great stuff! I am in! Found you on the Island Review.

Linsey Knerl said...

Neato giveaway! From Dates to Diapers
referred me. Thanks!

bethany said...

I want to win! I was referred by Dates to Diapers.

smithfam said...

Pick me! Pick me! I was referred by Cynthia

"Magnolia" said...

I was referred by Tracey! Thanks so much for the chance at your drawing!


Anonymous said...

lace sent me here and I am glad I came.

grams-kelley [at] sbcglobal [dot]net

Angie said...

I'm leaving a comment. COunt me in for the contest. Thanks for sending me the email.

PeachySwamiMommy said...

I blame Kailani at an Island Review! I just spent $45 on the site, and now I have to wait to win!! LOL. Great stuff and a great site. Thanks to you and An Island Review website/blog!

PeachySwamiMommy @

michelle said...

Natasha sent me!

michelle said...

and Angie sent me!

michelle said...

and Crystalyn sent me!

Chanel Palmer said...

Love your stuff!
I found you through Kristi's blog.

Holly said...

How fun! Found you through Jenny's blog

Maude Lynn said...

Referred by From Dates to Diapers!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! I was referred by Christy at Bon Bon Boutique.
Thanks and have a great day!
Jen in MS

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I was referred by Christy at Bon Bon Boutique.
Please add my name:

Pearl said...

Hey this is awesome! I was referred by Jthemilker.

Also please add my name...thanks Kim

Anonymous said...

Count me in!!!
Here s my blog address

Mrs. Shelton said...

I love contests! I was referred by Christy at:

I am Sarah at:


Melissa said...

I was referred by Kristie Brooke's Blog. I love all of your products! I have given them as gifts and kept a few for myself.

Have a blessed day!


Shane said...

My name is Shane Miller and I was referred to you by Kim Miller (

mommyoffour said...

I found this through Angie's blog!

Ashley said...

Love it! I heard about you through Kristi's "Everything Pink" blog!

Barb said...

I just got back from holidays and girls camp, is it too late to enter???
Kristi sent me!

Anonymous said...

count me in. found the link through kilikina @
