Friday, June 11, 2010

{ show us your life: china patterns }

Kelly {who is a Doodle Bugs customer} does a show us your life spotlight every week. It's always fun to see what she picks and also to check out some of other people's links they post regarding whatever is the topic of show us your life..

I fell in love with my pattern as soon as I saw it.
I {believe} someone my sister knew had it picked out when they got married and my sister introduced it to me because she knew it was something I would like..
It looks beautiful with the navy and yellow solid color everyday dishes that I picked out!
The pattern is named Colorado
and its by a company from France called Gien.
It was really hard to find when I got married and doing this blog post I just learned that it has been retired.
But, the truth be told...
in the nine years I have been married..
It has NEVER {not once} been out of the china cabinet.
Its beautiful on display but I have never used it.
I am SURE I am not the ONLY person who has never used their china, right??


Susan said...

Ha!! Mine is still in a box....afgter 20 years!!!!!!!

Kim Sue said...

like I keep telling you, you need to get it out and use it!!

Meghan said...

Thanks for joining in Monday Madness!


Your blog and site are adorable!