I fell in love with my pattern as soon as I saw it.
I {believe} someone my sister knew had it picked out when they got married and my sister introduced it to me because she knew it was something I would like..
It looks beautiful with the navy and yellow solid color everyday dishes that I picked out!
The pattern is named Colorado
and its by a company from France called Gien.
It was really hard to find when I got married and doing this blog post I just learned that it has been retired.
But, the truth be told...
in the nine years I have been married..
It has NEVER {not once} been out of the china cabinet.
Its beautiful on display but I have never used it.
I am SURE I am not the ONLY person who has never used their china, right??
Ha!! Mine is still in a box....afgter 20 years!!!!!!!
like I keep telling you, you need to get it out and use it!!
Thanks for joining in Monday Madness!
Your blog and site are adorable!
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