Sunday, May 20, 2007

Give Away (whoooo hooooo)

Leave a comment to enter :o)
I will randomly pick a name the middle of the week to win a surprise package of summer goodies!!
Leigh Luby from Madison, MS
Email me Leigh!


Liz Snowden said...

Oooh, girl, pick me pick me (chanelling the Donkey from Shrek!). What a fun thing! Have a good week!

SalGal said...

Oooh, even though it's going to be random, please just call my name when you pick the winner! I could use some good mail right now!

Anonymous said...

Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who would not love to win?? Your work is way amazing and you are an angel yourself.
Mary D.
Little Rock, AR

Anonymous said...

pick me!! woohoooooo!!!! I am hoping for some doodlebug products since I can't find it at any stores near me! boohoo can't wait to see who wins !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh pick me! I love your stuff.
Sara D.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

I'd love be in your drawing. Everything on your site is so cute!!!

JnR said...

A summer giveaway sounds so wonderful! Kinda Magical! Oooohhh, Aaaahhh, what is it???????

Anonymous said...

Love your stuff... Half of the hits on your board & site are from me checking it 3 times a day for any updates. I'm addicted! - By the way, I know some people you know... They say you are the sweetest!
Lisa in Clinton

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I missed out on the last give away maybe this time I will get lucky!!

harugirlie said...

I hope I win!

Misty said...

I know that my name is just calling out to you...Misty, Misty, Misty... =) Do you hear that?

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Heather said...

Count me in. You already know how much I love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love your new summer stuff. Have you ever had round address labels? Could you do those? Thanks.

Becky Parker

Anonymous said...

Your new summer line is SO fun Kacey!
I hope you have a great vacation away from it all :)


Anonymous said...

New Girl here...LOVE your stuff!! Trying to decide what to buy...or should I say what NOT to buy! LOL

Marci said...

I'm glad you updated your blog!

Anonymous said...

Kacey, you know that I want to win so bad. I love your stuff. Have a great vacation
Amanda Rutherford

Anonymous said...

Dear Kacey:

I am so excited for you leaving on your "SisterChicks" vacation. Those are great chick lit to read up on while you are lounging on the beach! ha! Check it out....Robin Jones Gunn is the author. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win your random drawing.

Deana Lewis
from the GREAT state of TEXAS!

Anonymous said...

A summer give away sounds great! Count me in.
Jennifer Williams

Anonymous said...

Love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

Love your products!!
Janet M.

Anonymous said...

Pick me! I need it!! HA! HA!

Natasha said...

I want to win!

Love the new summer ice cream cones!

Anonymous said...

How great would that be to get stuff just for yourself?!! Your stuff is just TOO cute!

Leigh Luby
Madison, MS

Anonymous said...

Count me in for the "drawing"! Thanks!
Rosie Mosley
Hollandale, MS

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!
Janet Rigsby

Anonymous said...

WELL YOU KNOW I WANT TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kacey! Love the summer designs!
Melissa Woodard
Gardendale, TX

Anonymous said...

I love your new summer designs! Your stuff is too cute!
Julie M.

Anonymous said...

I can be randome :D


Unknown said...

Love the designs.

Paper Shop ink. said...

Glad I found your blog! fun!

Anonymous said...

Pick me PLEASE!!!!!!!

Susan Fidler

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I love your stuff!!! I've recommended your site to all my friends!

carlo said...

love the summer stuff, kacey! hope your vacation was a blast!!

Anonymous said...

I Cannot believe that I won! You just don't know how excited I am!!! You are THE best! I owe you a Sonic Tea! :)

Leigh Luby
Madison, MS