Tuesday, February 24, 2009

tractors for a little guy

These cute little tractor folded notes and matching labels would be perfect for a little boy gift. There are other designs too...

Click below to see :
Folded notes
Matching Address Labels

other boy designs to pick from on these "basic notes and labels" are: cowboy boot, train, frog, snake, pig, sports, bulldozer, puppy dog, car and some more...

girl designs are ballerina shoes, princess crowns, dragonfly, lovebug car, butterfly, flowers, purses, flipflops, and more...

and a few other designs that are perfect for the older kids... martini glass, rooster, and even a stained glass looking cross.

Here are the designs up close...

You can also order square stickers, waterproof labels or bag tags with these designs! Have fun....


Unknown said...

OMG!! Those are sooo cute!!

Preppy Mama said...

Adorable!! I love them!