Friday, November 12, 2010

{Personalized Turkey Flat Note Cards GIVEAWAY}

Enter to win a set of 12 personalized turkey flat notes!

Ways to enter:

 Leave a comment here on this post

follow my blog

follow me on twitter

join my facebook page

Tweet about it..
{please put @doodlebugspaper in your tweet}

 post about it on facebook

 post about it on your blog

 put my button on your blog with a link back to my website
{you can find my button over there on the right side!}

Please leave a separate comment for each.
I will randomly select a winner on Friday, November 12th!


mysteryhistorymom said...

Oh my goodness! Soo cute!!!! Please count me in!:) Lori

mysteryhistorymom said...

I follow your blog, Sweets! Lori

mysteryhistorymom said...

I joined your facebook page!:) Yippee!! Lori

mysteryhistorymom said...

I posted about it on my blog, too!:) Lori

Sandy A said...

These are soooo cute! Enter me into the give away please.

Sandy A said...

I am a follower also....

The Rutherford Family said...

I would like to win. Those are really cute.

Unknown said...

Love those notecards! And I love all the other products in your shop. Wish I could buy them all up! : )

Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog.

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter. (Epfaulkner)

Unknown said...

I follow you on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I have your button on my blog.

Unknown said...

I tweeted about it!

Twitter: Epfaulkner

Julianne Hendrickson said...

Those are ADORABLE!

Julianne Hendrickson said...

I follow your blog :)

Julianne Hendrickson said...

I am a fan of your facebook group!

RoseMillsOhio said...

They are ridiculously cute!

rosemills (at) bex (dot) net

Hillcrest Acres said...

So cute!! Please count me in on this fabulous giveaway.

Hillcrest Acres said...

I posted about your fabulous giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

Hillcrest Acres said...

I've got your button on the sidebar of my blog.

LSmith said...

Cute,Cute,Cute !!!!

Anonymous said...

love the turkey :) love all your stuff!!

Anonymous said...

i follow you via google reader, if that counts ;)

hiyaluv said...

yay! so so so cute:) i love them:)
regina_dixon763 ((AT)) YAHOO ((DOT)) COM

hiyaluv said...

i follow you:)
regina_dixon763 ((AT)) YAHOO ((DOT)) Com

hiyaluv said...

i follow you on twitter:) i am @hiyaluv
regina_dixon763(AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Blessed said...

SO cute! Hope I win!! :)

hiyaluv said...

i am so excited to find out that you have a facebook page! of course I immediately joined in on the fun:)
regina_dixon763 *at* yahoo *dot* com

hiyaluv said...

i just blogged about your awesome giveaway! :)gina
regina_dixon763 ((at)) yahoo ((dot)) com

charcharr said...

These are cute! I love turkeys.

Carrie said...

Oh this is tooo cute. i definitely want some:D

my email is


Carrie said...

I am a follower through GFC!


Susan said...

Love these!

Susan said...

I'm a follower!

Susan said...

I shared it on facebook!

Wehaf said...

Adorable! I'd love to win.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love your blog!

Amy Wright said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the all the Christmas items!!
amy wright

Yarni Gras! said...

I came over from Lori's place....thanks for the opp to win such cute note cards!


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Would love these :)
our2peasinapod (at) aol (dot) com

Traci said...

Those are precious! Hopped over from The Polka Dot Chair... :)

Unknown said...

Love all of your products....too cute. Please count me in for your give away! :)

Unknown said...

I follow your blog. :)

The Rutherford Family said...

I follow the blog

The Rutherford Family said...

I also follow on facebook

Melayne Marchese said...

I follow your it!! :)

Melayne Marchese said...

I follow you on twitter....that is how I found about this NEW giveaway!

Melayne Marchese said...

I am one of your biggest FACEBOOK fans!!

Melayne Marchese said...

I tweeted about you and your giveaway!

TLF said...

These are the cutest eva!

TLF said...

I'm already a fb fan!!

TLF said...

And already follow you on twitter.

Celeste said...

Super cute!! Love these!

Celeste said...

blog follower!

Celeste said...

twitter follower! @celeste_w